In January 2024, monthly donations was launched
However, usage metrics were low because..
7:04 AM
Recurring monthly donations
Recurring monthly donations
GoFundMe is the world's biggest fundraising platform with 100 million+ users. I was mainly involved in the user research, visual, and interaction design to launch a 0-1 monthly donations feature that reached 8M users.


Visual Design

User Research

3 months (June 2024- September 2024)

1x Product Manager
1x Frontend Developer
1x Full Stack Developer
2x Product Designers
Design Process
Working with PM, developers, designers looked like..

The key metrics that mattered were..
Increase the number of active campaigns

Increase daily and monthly average users using the monthly donations feature


Monthly Donations
Monthly Donations
Designing and shipping a 0-1 feature for 8 million users

Recurring monthly donations
GoFundMe is the world's biggest fundraising platform with 100 million+ users. I was mainly involved in the user research, visual, and interaction design to launch a 0-1 monthly donations feature that reached 8M users.


Interactive Design

User Research

Growth Design

3 months (June 2024- September 2024)

1x Product Manager
1x Frontend Developer
1x Full Stack Developer
2x Product Designers
Increase in Retention
Increase in GDV
Users Reached
Improved Gross Domestic Volume
In January 2024, monthly donations was launched…
However, usage metrics were low because..
Too little information

Users don't see value

Low usage despite interest

Coming up with a research plan..
I worked with 1 UXR & PM to go over Mixpanel, already existing qualitative data, competitor analysis, and data from past surveys

Research Question 1
How might we call attention to the recurring monthly donations feature?

Research Question 2
How might we make it easier and more exciting for users to give monthly?

We had a 3 hour design jam with our product managers, the larger design & engineering teams to share the different design directions we were considering. Going through the PRD, and having the engineering team present helped us clearly understand the feasibility and technical considerations to keep in mind
Key Research Insights
We decided to conduct user interviews, surveys, and user testing sessions to better understand why users were not using the monthly giving feature.
User Interviews
Lyssana Surveys
User Tests

User Interviews
Users felt they wanted more information on the checkout page itself, and more clarity on how monthly donations worked

Users had significant concerns about where their funds were going month on month

User Tests
62% of users had a hard time navigating the check out flow for monthly, and often toggled one time and monthly donations
Key Research Insights
We decided to conduct user interviews, surveys, and user testing sessions to better understand why users were not using the monthly giving feature.
User Interviews
Lyssana Surveys
User Tests

User Interviews Learnings
Users felt they wanted more information on the checkout page itself, and more clarity on how monthly donations worked

Users had significant concerns about where their funds were going month on month

User Tests
62% of users had a hard time navigating the check out flow for monthly, and often toggled one time and monthly donations
Design ideation
We began ideating in low fidelity based on the user research results, and analyzed gaps in the current design system

We had a 3 hour design jam with our product managers, the larger design & engineering teams to share the different design directions we were considering. Going through the PRD, and having the engineering team present helped us clearly understand the feasibility and technical considerations to keep in mind
Donation card doesn't provide enough information..
We experimented with different iterations, and decided to go with the variant that was more sleek and less distracting as the PM did not want this feature to create friction for the one time donation flow.

Users don't see the value of monthly donations..
Post user testing, we updated the card component on users profiles to add more details about their impact

Include developers early
Understanding technical constraints early on was critical

Include developers early
Understanding technical constraints early on was critical

Include developers early
Understanding technical constraints early on was critical

Include developers early
Understanding technical constraints early on was critical

Pivot fast
Post user testing, we had to change direction quickly

Pivot fast
Post user testing, we had to change direction quickly

Document small details
Documentation and communication were essential

Document small details
Documentation and communication were essential

Not possible to get impact metrics for all fundraisers

Not possible to get impact metrics for all fundraisers

Limited engineering bandwidth

Limited engineering bandwidth

Can't change checkout page structure

Can't change checkout page structure
Design Process
Working with PM, developers, designers looked like..

Too little information

Low usage despite interest

Users don't see value

7:04 AM
Increase the number of active campaigns

Increase the number of active campaigns

Increase daily and monthly average users using the monthly donations feature

Increase daily and monthly average users using the monthly donations feature

The key metrics that mattered were..
Coming up with a research plan..
I worked with 1 UXR & PM to go over Mixpanel, already existing qualitative data, competitor analysis, and data from past surveys

Research Question 2
How might we make it easier and more exciting for users to give monthly?

Research Question 2
How might we make it easier and more exciting for users to give monthly?

Research Question 1
How might we call attention to the recurring monthly donations feature?

Research Question 1
How might we call attention to the recurring monthly donations feature?

Not possible to get impact metrics for all fundraisers

Not possible to get impact metrics for all fundraisers

Limited engineering bandwidth

Limited engineering bandwidth

Can't change checkout page structure

Can't change checkout page structure
Donation card doesn't provide enough information..
We experimented with different iterations, and decided to go with the variant that was more sleek and less distracting as the PM did not want this feature to create friction for the one time donation flow.
In January 2024, monthly donations was launched…
However, usage metrics were low because..

Document small details
Documentation and communication were essential

Document small details
Documentation and communication were essential

Pivot fast
Post user testing, we had to change direction quickly

Pivot fast
Post user testing, we had to change direction quickly
Design Process
Working with PM, developers, designers looked like..

Users don't see value

Users don't see value

Too little information

Low usage despite interest

Increase the number of active campaigns

Increase the number of active campaigns

Increase daily and monthly average users using the monthly donations feature

Increase daily and monthly average users using the monthly donations feature

Research Question 1
How might we call attention to the recurring monthly donations feature?

Research Question 1
How might we call attention to the recurring monthly donations feature?

Research Question 2
How might we make it easier and more exciting for users to give monthly?

Research Question 2
How might we make it easier and more exciting for users to give monthly?